If you have entered the incorrect delivery address and need to update this, you will need to contact the Seller to let them know. Please note that if you have received a dispatch confirmation, your order may have already been dispatched? If your order has been dispatched to the wrong address and it is lost, a new order will need to be placed at your expense.
To contact the Seller, please follow one of the below steps:
Registered Users
Follow this link to the 'my orders' section of the website and click the Contact Seller button attached to your order.
Guest Users
If you checked out as a guest you can contact the Seller from your Order Summary Page. Locate your order confirmation email and here you'll find a link to your personal order summary page. From here you'll be able to contact the seller. For a step by step guide on how to do this, please click here.
Still need some help?
If you are having trouble contacting the seller, you can send us an email here and our customer service team will be happy to help you. If time is pressing, please contact the seller directly.
If you didn't find what you were looking for here, you may wish to visit our FAQ's where you can find lots of helpful articles.