If you have a question about or need to update your order. You can contact the seller directly by following one of the below steps. Our sellers should respond to all order related enquiries within 24 hours.
Registered Account Purchases
If you completed your purchase using your registered account, please click this link to visit the 'My Orders' section of your account and click the contact seller button attached to the relevant order.
Please be sure to add donotreply@notonthehighstreet.com to your email inbox, as responses from the seller will come from here and from time to time may land in your Spam/Junk folder.
Guest User Purchases
If you have completed your order via Guest Checkout, you can contact the Seller by your Order Summary Page located within your order confirmation email.
Simply locate your order confirmation email and here you'll find a link to your personal order summary page.
On your order summary page you will see a Contact Seller button located at the top. Click this link to begin contacting the seller.
Once you click the Contact Seller button you will be prompted to log in, if you are already a registered customer or to create a new account.
Why logging into or creating a new account is beneficial?
- This will automatically connect your guest order to your order history.
- This will make future communications between yourself and the seller much easier.
- You will be able to upload photos to your order.
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