Need some help with your order? Our sellers are here to help!
If you have questions about or need to update your order, the quickest way to resolve your enquiry is to contact the relevant seller (the small business who is making your order). You can do this by following one of the options below:
Registered Purchase Users
If you completed your purchase using your registered account, please click this link to visit the 'My Orders' section of your account and click the contact seller button attached to the relevant order.
Guest Purchase Users
If you completed your purchase as a guest and do not have an account, you can contact the seller from your Order Summary Page. Within your order confirmation email, you'll find a link to your personal order summary page. For a step by step guide on how to do this, please click here.
Response time from our Sellers
Our sellers should respond within 24 hours, but response times may vary depending on their own working hours. Your will receive an email notification of their response, once they respond.
Please note: All order communication emails come from and may fall into your spam folder, so please do check there.
Uploading Photos To Your Order
If you need to upload a photo to your order, we suggest to avoid any delays in the delivery of your order, to please send these to the seller directly, by following one the above contact options.
Looking for something else?
Visit our FAQ's here, for more helpful articles on common customer queries. Our frequently visited articles are listed below:
How Do I Upload a Photo To My Order?
My Order Hasn't Arrived, What Do I Do?
How Do I Make An Additional Payment?
I have a question about a specific product?
Are you interested in joining Not On The High Street as a Partner seller?
Yay! We can't wait to hear more about you. Click here to tell us more about who you are, and we'll make sure the right team reaches out to you soon.